Mars as Big as the Moon 09 #2
Okay, I couldn’t resist. For all of you out there who have also been trying to educate folks about the Mars Hoax for years, I’ve created a brief respite.
As you know, this year’s version is going around as a PowerPoint. Once you’ve seen the hoax PowerPoint, you might enjoy my … “corrected” version. If you’re squeamish about random .pps files from the internet, I’ve attached still .jpgs here, but they’re not as cool – there aren’t any annoying animations to click through. The effect just isn’t the same. Enjoy!

Fixed PPT Slide 1 (well, actually, Mars rises around 2 or 3am, but it starts to get light not that long after that so it might as well be nowhere in sight!)
This really doesn’t follow my rules when it comes to talking to people about the Mars hoax. Mainly it doesn’t let you down easy, and it doesn’t validate the excitement generated by the e-mails. I just made it for fun, and mostly for those who already know.
~ A l i c e !
Thanks Alice – (I’m Holly Csiga’s mom) Holly sent me your link and I LOVE your fix. Every year I get some emails from friends with the hoax and have to explain to them to not pass on crap without checking snopes. I’m thinking this year the hoaxers went way too far and most will not buy it, but you never know, there’s no accounting for wishful thinking!
I am saving your PPS to send back to anyone who sends me a hoax this year! Thanks again and Cheers!
I’m glad you like it.
Some very, very intelligent people get sucked in by this hoax. It just sounds SO COOL you want to believe something that awesome could happen. And people like space.
I don’t fully understand why the hoax is so tenacious, but I do understand why the idea is attractive.
I’m afraid there’s your answer right there. The idea is attractive, therefore it is tenacious.
I know, I know … but but but but … don’t you wish that sometimes the truth would be more tenacious than the attractive idea?
I guess I shouldn’t complain – astronomy itself is pretty attractive, so people tend to perk up and listen.