Photo of Comet PanSTARRS from West Seattle: Through the Clouds
I will add more later, but here is the first photo my husband got of Comet PanSTARRS from Lincoln Park here in West Seattle. It was visible between the clouds for about three minutes.
Update, new image!

Comet PanSTARRS from West Seattle at 8:32pm on Friday 3/15/2013 (c) my husband Jason Ayres Gift Enevoldsen. E-mail him at jason dot enevoldsen at gmail dot com for reuse permission. Click for bigger. (This is the second, updated image. Below is the first)
This is the original image I posted this evening:

Comet PanSTARRS from West Seattle at 8:32pm on Friday 3/15/2013 (c) my husband Jason Ayres Gift Enevoldsen. E-mail him at jason dot enevoldsen at gmail dot com for reuse permission. Click for bigger
~ A l i c e !
That is the coolest! Thank you for sharing.
Incredible, wish we could have seen it. Thanks for sharing it with us :)