- Livestream Commentary: Mars Perseverance Entry, Descent, and Landing
- Watch the MAVEN Launch With Me: Monday at 10am Pacific
- Mars Rover Rocker-Bogie Differential
- Soil on Mars Honors Around the Americas
- Which Way to Mars?
- Communicating With Mars
- Spirit at Troy
- Why Is Rust Red?
- Mineral Indications of Water
- A Challenge for Artists! Spirit at Troy
- Stationary Science: Spirit at Troy
- Mars Calendar
- Martian Adventures: A Tale of Two Robots
- Dunes on Mars - New HiRISE Images
- Magnetotactic Bacteria
- Magnetotactic Bacteria from Mars?
- Thanksgiving and Astronomy
- Answering Questions: Life on Mars?
- Mars as Big as the Moon 09 #2
- Mars as Big as the Moon (2009 edition) - Still Not True
- Vacations to Mars and Pacific Science Center
- Short. Life on Mars?
- Phoenix Epitaph Contest!
- Snow Falling on ... Mars
- Mars Hoax, Again Again and Again
- Mars Has Water - Yes, Again
- Ice on Mars! Umm... duh...
- Phoenix Landing
- Mars Hoax Again
- Mars Has Water ...
- My Favorite Maya Mythology and Astronomy
- Thanksgiving and Astronomy
- 2012 - The (2009) Movie
- Video: 2012 and Lecture: The Moon
- 2012
- Talk Coming Up! 2012: the Movie, the Astronomy, and the Hoax!
- Astronomy Books for the Very Young
- Spirit at Troy
- A Challenge for Artists! Spirit at Troy
- And the Winner Is ....
- Deadline is approaching ...
- Icon Competition!
Astronomical Society of the Pacific
The History of Alice’s AstroInfo
- Upcoming Nova in Corona Borealis
- Eclipse Events and Resources 2023-2024
- Social Media Locations
- Seasonal Sunset Watches
- Livestream Commentary: Mars Perseverance Entry, Descent, and Landing
- Crew Dragon Splashdown: Sunday August 2, 11:15am Pacific
- Comet NEOWISE (C/2020 F3) from West Seattle
- #LaunchAmerica Live Commentary: SpaceX Demo-2 test flight of Crew Dragon
- Seasonal Sunset Watches!
- March 20 Spring Equinox Sunset Watch -- 2019
- December 21 Winter Solstice Sunset Watch -- 2018
- September 19 Fall Equinox Sunset Watch -- 2018
- June 16 Summer Solstice Sunset Watch -- 2018
- March 20 Spring Equinox Sunset Watch -- 2018
- December 21 Winter Solstice Sunset Watch--2017
- September 22 Fall Equinox Sunset Watch--2017
- June 20 Summer Solstice Sunset Watch --2017
- March 20 Spring Equinox Sunset Watch -- 2017
- December 21 Winter Solstice Sunset Watch -- 2016
- September 22 Fall Equinox Sunset Watch -- 2016
- June 20 Summer Solstice Sunset Watch -- 2016
- March 19 Spring Equinox Sunset Watch -- 2016
- LIGO Gravitational Wave Detection - KOMO Radio Interview
- December 21st Winter Solstice Sunset Watch - 2015
- September 23 Fall Equinox Sunset Watch - 2015
- Aurora Viewing from Seattle -- Basic Tips
- Where Should You Go for Stargazing or to watch the Perseids?
- Make Your Own Pluto Globe (MAPS as of 7-16-2015!)
- EVENT: Plutopalooza Phone Home
- June 20 Summer Solstice Sunset Watch - 2015
- Aurora Alert: March 17, 2015 G4 Storm
- Spring Equinox Sunset Watch - 2015
- Conjunction, Seattle, Today 2-21-2015 5:30pm
- Winter Solstice Sunset Watch - 2014
- Where to Find AstroInfo?
- Fall Equinox Sunset Watch with Preschool Activities! - 2014
- Aurora Alert? Where to find more info
- Interview with KOMO Radio - July 2014
- Summer Solstice Sunset Watch - 2014
- Which Binoculars Should I Buy? - 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast
- Which Binoculars? - 365 Days of Astronomy
- Spring Equinox Sunset Watch - 2014
- More Exoplanets!
- How Many Times Can One Spacecraft Leave the Solar System? - 365 Days of Astronomy
- Go to West Seattle Blog this week...
- Winter Solstice Sunset Watch - 2013
- Comet ISON from Seattle, after Perihelion (November 28)
- Watch the MAVEN Launch With Me: Monday at 10am Pacific
- Comet ISON from Seattle
- Fall Equinox Sunset Watch - 2013 - Toddler Special and ISON Q&A
- BREAKING NEWS: Possible Nova in Delphinus
- Summer Solstice Sunset Watch - 2013
- What If We Had No Moon? (Oblivion Spoilers)
- Where is Comet PanSTARRS? (Estimating the Sky in Degrees)
- Photo of Comet PanSTARRS from West Seattle: Through the Clouds
- Spring Equinox Sunset Watch -- 2013
- Too Many Meteors? Nah.
- Russian Meteor [Update]
- Russian Meteor
- Comet PanSTARRS
- 2012 DA14: Alice on KOMO Radio
- Incoming: Asteroid 2012 DA14
- Astronomy Books for the Very Young
- Green Meteor Over Seattle
- My Favorite Maya Mythology and Astronomy
- Winter Solstice Sunset Watch - 2012 (NOT the end of the world)
- Henrietta Swan Leavitt... and Dolls
- Fall Equinox Sunset Watch 2012
- Curiosity on Mars Memes
- Curiosity Lands on Mars!
- NASA vs. The Olympics--Inspiring or Ho-Hum?
- Mars Landing Watch at The Kenney
- Mars Rover Rocker-Bogie Differential
- Summer Solstice Sunset Watch 2012
- Transit of Venus -- Seattle Report (Yes, we saw it!)
- Transit of Venus Viewing - Solstice Park
- Transit of Venus - Tuesday, June 5, 2012
- Annular Solar Eclipse - Sunday May 20, 2012
- Partial Solar Eclipse Viewing 2012 - Solstice Park
- Spring Equinox Sunset Watch 2012
- The Eddy and the Plankton
- Winter Solstice Sunset Watch 2011
- Worlds of Stone: 11/23/2011
- Worlds of Stone: 11/08/2011
- Worlds of Stone: 10/25/2011
- Carnival of Space #220
- Worlds of Stone: 10/19/2011
- Worlds of Stone, Worlds Unknown: NASA Investigates Mercury and the Asteroid Belt
- My Star Exploded Last Week
- Neutrinos Faster than Light?
- UARS Re-entry
- Autumn Equinox Sunset Watch 2011
- Last-Minute Stargazing - Comet Garradd and Supernova PTF11kly in Galaxy M101
- Live Commentary - Last Shuttle Launch
- Rare Lunar Eclipse - June 15, 2011
- Summer Solstice Sunset Watch - 2011
- Seasons "Cheat Sheet"
- Spring Equinox Sunset Watch - 2011
- Valentines: Stardust-NExT and Tempel 1
- Depressing Historic Events in the Space Program
- Visiting AAS - An Intern's View
- Caving in to Peer Pressure: Astrology
- Kepler 10b
- Thunderstorms and Gamma Ray Flashes?!
- Hanny's Voorwerp - now in HST!
- Storm on Saturn - with a Tail
- Sunset Watch a Success!
- Solstice Lunar Eclipse, 2010 -- from Seattle
- Winter Solstice Sunset Watch - 2010
- Astrobiology: Arsenic & New Bacteria
- International Observe the Moon Night - 2010
- Autumn Equinox Sunset Viewing - 2010
- Red Light and Night Vision
- Mars as Big as the Moon - 2010
- July-August 2010
- Soil on Mars Honors Around the Americas
- Summer Solstice Sunset – 2010
- Kepler Mission: Basic Background
- Comet McNaught
- IKAROS - Japan's Solar Sail
- Carnival of Space #153
- Stargazing
- Space Missions You Really Should Know
- Iapetus and the Cassini Regio: 365 Days of Astronomy
- May-June 2010 Sky
- Particle Aquarium
- Iceland Volcano - Eyjafjöll (April 14, 2010)
- Science with a Twist, Astronomy Day, and Carnival of Space
- Earthquakes and the Length of a Day
- Carnival of Space #147
- Earth-Centered Events
- Expanding Your Horizons
- Ada Lovelace Day Featuring: Pamela Gay
- Carnival of Space & Link
- Wednesday, March 17, 2010
- Monday, March 15, 2010
- Hubble 3D vs Life
- Spring Equinox Sunset - 2010
- Wednesday, March 10, 2010
- Carnival #144
- Monday, March 8, 2010
- Wednesday, March 3
- Last-Minute Stargazing Tonight - West Seattle
- Monday, March 1, 2010
- March-April 2010 Sky
- Spring
- Wednesday, February 24, 2010
- Monday, February 22, 2010
- Which Way to Mars?
- Feed Trouble
- Moon over West Seattle
- Communicating With Mars
- Spirit at Troy
- Why Is Rust Red?
- The Rocket and the Sundog
- Wednesday, February 17, 2010
- Wednesday, February 10, 2010
- Mineral Indications of Water
- Monday, February 8, 2010
- Wednesday, February 3, 2010
- Monday, February 1, 2010
- Carnival of Space #139
- Carnival of Space #138
- Wednesday, January 27, 2010
- Monday, January 25, 2010
- Wednesday, January 20, 2010
- Wednesday, January 13, 2010
- Monday, January 11, 2010
- Wednesday, January 6, 2010
- Monday, January 4, 2010
- Astronomy 100 - Winter 2010 - SSCC
- A Challenge for Artists! Spirit at Troy
- Stationary Science: Spirit at Troy
- Mars Calendar
- Martian Adventures: A Tale of Two Robots
- Dunes on Mars - New HiRISE Images
- Dark Days of Winter: 365 Days of Astronomy
- Cooking In Space
- Carnival of Space #134
- January-February 2010 Sky
- Jay O'Callahan and the NASA Story
- Winter Solstice Sunset - 2009
- Magnetotactic Bacteria
- Geminids at the Seattle Christmas Ship
- Answering Questions: Life on Other Planets?
- West Seattle Stargazing Tonight - Solstice Park 12/7/2009
- 2009 Gift Guide
- Magnetotactic Bacteria from Mars?
- Links for December 2
- Thanksgiving and Astronomy
- November-December 2009
- More Happenings!
- Huge New NASA Photos at Pacific Science Center
- Image Unveiling Celebration at Pacific Science Center
- The Moon Has Water
- Answering Questions: Life on Mars?
- 2012 - The (2009) Movie
- Video: 2012 and Lecture: The Moon
- 2012
- November 2009
- Talk Coming Up! 2012: the Movie, the Astronomy, and the Hoax!
- Carnival of Space #124
- Alice's AstroInfo Videocast and TV Interview
- LCROSS Impact
- Carnivals #121-123
- Binocular Mount
- MESSENGER's 3rd Flyby of Mercury
- Equinox Event
- September-October Sky 2009
- Quick Updates: Kepler, Saturn, Perseids, Jupiter
- Some Links
- Carnival of Space
- A Puzzle and Two Carnivals
- July-August Sky, 2009
- Two Carnivals (107 and 108)
- Solstice Park, West Seattle
- Animal Astronomy
- Mars as Big as the Moon 09 #2
- Mars as Big as the Moon (2009 edition) - Still Not True
- A Few Good Links
- AstroInfo is One Year Old!
- Carnival of Space (#101, #102)
- Sunspots
- May-June Sky
- Smithsonian Photography Contest
- Carnival of Space #100
- Earth Revealed: Astronomy Day 2009 at Pacific Science Center
- Logo
- Carnival of Space #99
- GPS Satellites
- Scientists Who Work in Astronomy-Related Fields Needed
- Vacations to Mars and Pacific Science Center
- Carnival of Space #96
- American Moon Illusion
- Ada Lovelace Day and Carnivals of Space
- NASA Update
- Earth Hour
- New Home! Welcome!
- Planets Cards!
- NASA Mission Madness
- Comet Lulin
- March is Imminent!
- Carnival of Space #91 and a Side Note
- 365 Days of Astronomy
- Carnival of Love! .... I mean, Space!
- Bright Stars Tonight
- Let it Be Known ...
- Links from Class
- Heat: We're Doing it Wrong!
- Short. Life on Mars?
- Dark Energy
- Carnival of Space #85 and #86
- Blog Awards
- January-February Sky
- Calendrical Conundrums
- The Star of Bethlehem
- Carnival of Space #84
- Road Quality, West Seattle
- Aliens? Yes. UFOs? No.
- Carnival of Space #80, #81, #82, and #83
- Rainbows and Stars
- The Real Deal: Space Pens
- Carl Sagan's Cosmos
- Tyson's Speech
- What Do You Want for Christmas?
- Carnival of Space #79
- Exoplanets Photographed!
- And the Winner Is ....
- Deadline is approaching ...
- Carnival of Space #77 ... or is #78?
- November-December Sky
- Gender Analyzer
- Phoenix Epitaph Contest!
- Carnival of Space #77
- Density Waves: What's Up with Galactic Spiral Arms?
- Carnival of Space #76(?)
- Icon Competition!
- Astronomy 100 Texts, Anyone?
- Snow Falling on ... Mars
- Planets and Moons (from the BA)
- Carnival of Space #75
- The Next Carnival of Space (#73)
- NEW Images from Mercury!!
- ISS Baby
- Moon Mission - The Music Video
- Lucy is SO AWESOME
- Carnival of Space: October 2, 2008
- What Telescope Should I Buy?
- Two Ways to Support AstroInfo
- No Podcasts
- A List of Dwarf Planets
- Seattleites: Come to Science with a Twist!
- Why I Believe (In Dark Matter)
- DNA Rap
- I had to share ...
- Astrobiology Rap
- Rockets Bursting in Air
- Mars Hoax, Again Again and Again
- Do You Write About Astronomy?
- Planetary Alignment
- Mars Has Water - Yes, Again
- ALICE looks at collisions of lead ions
- The Pluto Debate Rolls On
- Thanks Mike Brown!
- A New (Dwarf) Planet!
- Retrograde Motion
- July-August Sky
- Stargazing Opportunities
- AstroInfo - Now Served in Audacious Audio!
- The Ugly Ducklings: Composition of Uranus and Neptune
- Ice on Mars! Umm... duh...
- At ASP
- Updating ...
- We Caught One! SWIFT Sees a Supernova!
- A Series of Questions (II)
- Phoenix Landing
- Asteroid 2007 TU24 NOT Going to Hit the Earth
- Diffraction Spikes, or Why Stars Have Points
- Comet Holmes (a.k.a. 17P)
- Sputnik's 50th
- What's Up with the Shuttle?
- Mars Hoax Again
- Quasars vs Pulsars
- Exo-Earth around Gliese 581?
- The Tropics
- Stellar Clusters
- What is Hawking Radiation?
- A Series of Questions (I)
- Mercury at Greatest Elongation 2007
- March Lunar Eclipse
- Chandra Sees Kepler's Supernova
- Polaris: A Cepheid Variable
- Winter Solstice 2006 -- Dark Days of Winter
- Mars Has Water ...
- What is a Planet?
- Aurigid Meteor Shower
These links don’t work yet, please excuse the mess!
audio Carnival of Space Comet contest Cosmology Dark Matter DNA Dwarf Planets Earth Event Exoplanets Hoax Hubble human spaceflight International Year of Astronomy Life Life on Mars Makemake Mars Mercury Meteor Shower Moon NASA Pacific Science Center people Photo Physics Planetarium Pluto Pluto Debate Recommendations Saturn Solar System Spacecraft Stars Sun telescope Tonight’s Sky video Water on Mars West Seattle Year